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pywinauto 5 - 32bit / 64bit app 종류별 환경 설정

by 호빵님 2020. 2. 11.


Getting Started Guide

Once you have installed pywinauto - how do you get going? The very first necessary thing is to determine which accessibility technology (pywinauto’s backend) could be used for your application.

The list of supported accessibility technologies on Windows:

  • Win32 API (backend="win32") - a default backend for now
    • MFC, VB6, VCL, simple WinForms controls and most of the old legacy apps
  • MS UI Automation (backend="uia")
    • WinForms, WPF, Store apps, Qt5, browsers

    Notes: Chrome requires --force-renderer-accessibility cmd flag before starting. Custom properties and controls are not supported because of comtypes Python library restrictions.

AT SPI on Linux and Apple Accessibility API are in the long term plans so far.
